Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fort Worth Stock Show

We took the kids to the shock show with my parent's last weekend.  They really enjoyed looking at all of the animals, but Pierson REALLY liked the tractors.  He would have been happy just getting up and down on all of them, all day long. 

Hallie wasn't too sure about touching any animals...




This nice man let Pierson into look at his horse!  


We didn't actually make it to the rodeo this time, but hopefully next year.  Both kids were so they went home with Dot Dot and Big Dave for the night  :)

Visit to the Fire Station

Jeremy and I took the kiddos up to one of the fire stations in Carrollton over the Christmas break.  For the past few years, Jeremy has been working a "normal people" schedule.  He is an investigator with the fire department and also does inspections.  When he works overtime he can drive the ambulance and engine...but it is great to have him home every night (especially with small kiddos).  Still hard to believe that he has been on the department 15 years this year.  Crazy!

Also, Jeremy was promoted to Apparatus Operator (Driver) on January 1, 2015.  I can not even begin to describe the LONG hours of studying that he put into this over at least a 6-7 month span.  Thankful that is behind us.  He is now eligible to study for the captains' test in two years!

Love this pic.  Looks like P is just standing back and taking it all in. 


Captain Hallie....checking out daddy's radio. 

This is the look I get when I ask him to smile these days...


P did not love the sound of the air coming out of the ambulance....



 I have to admit...I didn't realize this was a mannequin at first..
I am sure we will have MANY more fire station visits in our future!!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Christmas 2014

Pierson was pretty excited to make a gingerbread house.  Hallie wasn't very interested...and I think P actually enjoyed eating the candy more  :)



We had Christmas with my parents on December 13.  My parents graciously have it early, as there are so many places to be in December, and we try and make it a point to not go anywhere on Christmas Day!


 A little cousin love....

Pierson REALLY enjoyed Christmas this year.  He got sooo excited about everything he opened!!

 Sweet girl got a highchair for her babies!

 Sweet sweet boy!!

Nothing really says "I Love You" like a "what your poo is telling you" calendar from your brother -in-law. 

In typical Big Dave and DotDot fashion, they completely outdid themselves.  The kiddos (and us) are beyond spoiled, and so thankful for all that they do for us!!

The Saturday before Christmas we headed to Tyler to spend it with my mom's side of the family.  I only took a few pics with my cell phone :(


This year we spent Christmas Eve at Jeremy's grandparent's house.  We had a great time, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a picture of the four of us together much less of them looking at the camera.  One day...

Here is the princess before we left..

And I now realize that EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF DUST that is on our floors shows up in the pictures.  Life of a mom who works full time I guess  :)

JoJo and Papaw with all of their grandkids!
Hallie and her daddy.  This is likely her very favorite person right now  :) 


Yes folks...this is sadly the best picture we got together  :(


Jeremy's grandparents go ALL OUT on Christmas to include the front yard.  Jeremy makes it a point every year to do this.  Goodness...
Over the past couple of years I have made it a point to be home on Christmas day...just the four of us.  Santa really outdid himself.  Actually, I am not certain what Santa was thinking when he decided that our kids needed more toys!



We also had Christmas at JoJo and Papaw's house the Saturday after Christmas.  I forgot the camera and only had the cell phone...again.  Ones day I will remember to take the camera with me places. 


I found this little gem at his parent's house.  Ha. 
The kiddos (and us) had a great Christmas.  We are once again reminded how thankful we are!!