Sunday, February 21, 2016


Dot Dot and Big Dave took Hallie to Build-A-Bear for her late b-day present.  To say she loved it is an understatement!

Waiting for the store to open....

  is the final product. Her name is Candy Bear. 

 While the girls were at Build-A-Bear, the boys went to the movie!  And..of course if Hallie got something so did Pierson.  He was very excited about his new Lego set. 

Thank you Dot Dot and Big Dave for a fun afternoon out! 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hallie is 3!

Sweet little Hallie Anne turned 3 on January 23. 

Her absolute favorite thing to say right now is "so sad (fill in the blank)"  Anything she doesn't like or is unhappy about, always begins with "so sad".  Its cute, but seriously we have tried everything to get her to stop and she just doesn't.  She picked this up at school apparently, and the teachers are working to get her to stop it as well.  She has mastered the art of Youtube Kids, and can navigate through it surprisingly well.  Those darn Surprise Eggs....

She has been potty trained for almost a year and rather enjoys her alone time on the toilet watching videos or looking at pictures on the phone!  She can often be seen taking her brothers Legos apart and throwing them in all directions across the room and randomly throwing some punches in at her brother....for no reason.  Over Christmas I taught her "jingle bells batman smells....."  Unfortunately, she hasn't forgotten about it and continues to sing it ALL THE TIME! 

She never ever tried to climb out of her crib, which was shocking considering how wild she is.  Finally, in December, Jeremy took her crib apart and turned it into a toddler bed.  I am in the process of looking for an entire bedroom suit for her.  Her rooms makes me want to cringe when I walk in.  IT. IS. A. MESS.

She has become very fond of all of the princesses, and knows all of their names.  She must have learned it on Youtube Kids...HA.  

She wants to do everything on her own. Waiting for her to get into her car seat and buckle herself in is a nightmare!  She wants to get out of the car the door first....go upstairs get the point.  As a matter of fact, the majority of the arguments between her and Pierson are over which one is going to get to go first. 

There truly is no point in her shoes going on before she gets into the car, because she takes them off along with her socks every single time we are in the car.

Little Miss Sassy Pants is quite moody.  (I don't have the slightest clue where she got that from).  She has a hard time getting going in the mornings if we have to actually wake her up for school.  Needless to say, the mornings are usually rough around here.  She doesn't like the color panties we pick out...she doesn't like the shoes we pick out, and so on.  Luckily, she has to wear a uniform for school, so there is no arguments there!

She does love going to school, and Jeremy and I are a bit concerned that she will out smart us in the near future.  She knows how to spell her name, knows all of her shapes, knows all of the alphabet, counts in Spanish, remembers all of the songs they sing at school, among many other things.  We are so proud of all that she has learned at Primrose. 

She is a very lucky little girl to have such a great brother.  He truly loves her so much, and they get along and play well together about 90% of the time.  It is so sweet to listen to them have conversations about anything and everything, and you can often hear them asking each other "do you love me?"''

She happens to LOVE the little boy in the background.  Talks about him non-stop!

We had a small family birthday party for little miss.  The only thing Hallie wanted for her birthday was a "pink Minnie mouse cake".  Funny thing is...she doesn't really watch Minnie Mouse anymore.  But...nonetheless...she got what she wanted.  

The two birthday girls!!  (side note...I must have scared mom when I took the pic...but I still think its cute)

 I think she liked everybody singing to her!

This is look we get everyday!!

And...Pierson lost his shirt apparently.  

I think sister enjoyed her special day.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Christmas with JoJo and Papaw

We spent the day after Christmas with Jeremy's parents.  The weather was great, and the kids really enjoyed playing outside, and as usual this tire swing was a big hit.  They absolutely love it!


My sweet babies....

DotDot and Big Dave came out for the day as well!

Typical Hallie look!

When we got home that night, Hallie went straight to her Youtube Kids Videos. 

Pierson went back to playing with his Lego police station.  This has probably been put back together twice since we have had it already.  Ah!!


Another year is gone, and as always I am reminded of the blessings that God has given our family.  I just love my little family and couldn't imagine doing life without them!

Christmas Day 2015

Christmas is so much fun with kids!  The excitement my kids had this year was so neat to watch.  Santa made a stop at our house and he didn't disappoint our kids.  Pierson is in full swing lego mode and he just can't get enough of them  He creates some pretty cool cars, people, etc and is always so proud of them.  

Little Ms. Hallie asked Santa for "pink princess shoes" and "Doc McStuffin toys".  Typically Santa likes to get his shopping done very early, but he had to do some last minute shopping this year since Hallie decided to change her mind on what she wanted.  
The kids actually slept in on Christmas morning (which is unusual).  Needless to say, Jeremy and I were up early and so ready for them to wake up!
Hallie loves all things princess right now and is in absolute heaven with all of her princess barbies.  She can now name them all.  Jeremy and I might not be enjoying stepping on their shoes....and did I mention the Lego pieces.  Yep...that hurts.

 Her hair....


This boy also decided to ask Santa for Power Ranger toys last minute....

Jeremy is so hard to buy presents for.  But...I think I did pretty good this year!

I was so proud of myself.  I bought him some custom Cornhole Boards!

He also got me a lovely Pandora bracelet which I am really enjoying!