She is a lot like her brother in the fact that we have to hide the bottle from her while it is warming up, or she will go crazy. She loves her some milk!! She continues to do pretty well on baby food. She has pretty much tried everything there is, and does not enjoy her veggies very much. Therefore, I am finding ways to sneak them in : )
We had her six month appointment with Dr. Schwartz. Overall, she is doing good, but he said we need to do breathing treatments on her for awhile. She was wheezing a little bit while we were there, but he seems to think it is a mild case of asthma. We shall see!
She was 15 pounds 8 oz (40%), 25inch long (24%), and her head was 16 1/2" (34%). I am still not used to having a smaller baby..ha. I looked back at Pierson's stats and he was almost 20 pounds and a little over 27 inches long. Wonder if she will catch up to him? Baby girl is still getting breast milk. Every once in awhile I will put an ounce or two of formula in with her breast milk. She eats a lot, and for some reason I can't keep up with her, and I am wanting to build my frozen supply back up. I keep telling myself...six more months and I won't have to carry that dang pump around anymore :).
She is now sitting up on her own and I think she is liking the new view. She has started to pull up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth, so who knows how long it will be before she is crawling?
She continues to look JUST LIKE her daddy. She has his blue eyes, which have not changed. Some days her hair looks blonde, and other days it looks brown, and it continues to stick straight up towards the top of her funny. I just pray that she gets thick hair like the rest of us.
I love the next two pics. The seat she is sitting in was Pierson's and then we saw on the news that it got recalled the next day. Awesome!
Typical evening at our house....
Baby girl has really started to get some chunk to her. I bet she has gained two pounds since we went for her six month check up. She really is a sweet sweet baby most of the time. There is still no in between being happy or mad...she gets there in about two seconds. She gets a little frustrated between each bite of food because it just doesn't come fast enough for her liking : ) She still loves her pacifier, but we are trying to give it to her less and less. Maybe...just maybe I can take it away from her at 10 months like I did her big bubba. Again...we shall seel. We love you bunches Hallie Anne!
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