Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hallie - 9 Months (a month late)

Sweet Hallie turned 9 months old on October 23rd.  (I'm a little late on this post).  She continues to be such a sweet baby, and we just love her to pieces.  We took her to her 9 month appointment and she was 19 pounds (50%), 27" long (27%) and her head was 17 1/4 (42%).  I looked back at Pierson's states, and he was almost 24 pounds, almost 30 inches, and his head was 19".  Quite a difference!


has her eye on the margarita mix....

side note...i really do clean the bath tub, and this just looks awful  : )


She continues to stand up on her own, and walk around things, but hasn't quite started walking yet.  I was thinking she would walk by 9 1/2 months like bubby did, but I don't think that will happen.  When she crawls, she still refuses to put down her right funny!!  Pierson continues to be her favorite person on the planet, but she does love her mama!  She gets upset if I leave the room, or don't pick her up.  Her eyes are still blue as ever....just like her daddy!

We usually spend the majority of our evenings upstairs.  It is where all the 4,235 toys are.  However, she quickly loses interest in her toys if she sees the bathroom door open.  Not sure why...but the child LOVES crawling into the bathroom and checking everything out.  She makes a mad dash for it every single time. 

I think its about time we start to by her some girly toys.  The upstairs is still a "sea" of boy toys, and only a few of girly ones.  However, at this age, she is much more interested in what P is playing with. 

Hallie has started sticking her face into the carpet when she gets upset, doesn't get her way or is tired.  It is super cute, but also makes me sad at the same time! Probably shouldn't put this on here....but my sweet girl has a big ole' booty.  May sound weird, but that little tush of hers is sooooo cute!!

Sweet girl still doesn't have any teeth.  I assume this means they are going to all come in at once.  This will be joyous I'm sure!  She "talks" a lot and I am pretty certain she said "mama' the other day.  Luckily she hasn't started calling me "mom" yet like her big brother :(. 

Baby girl LOVES to eat.  She love puffs, yogurt melts and pretty much anything you put in front of her.  If I give her any veggies, I will mix them in with other she does not like eating them by themselves.

She has been on sippy cups for about a month.  The transition was fairly uneventful, and I am happy that I don't have so many bottle parts laying all over the counter.  She doesn't quite understand how to use a straw, but we will get there.  Here in the next couple of months I am going to quit pumping (YEAH!!!!!!!) , and we will see how she does with milk.  I have to say that I will not be sad that I can't carry that dang pump bag with me everywhere I go.  She still gets so excited whenever she sees her milk coming and kind of gets the shakes over it...just like her bubby!

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