Sunday, December 16, 2018

Merry Main Street

A couple weekends ago we went to Merry Main Street in Frisco to watch cousin Adisyn and our friend Kaden sing.  The kids had fun and even visited with Santa!

Thanksgiving 2018

Hallie had her Thanksgiving program at school the week before the break.  She dressed as an Indian, but she told Ms. Clark that she was wearing a "cute Alien costume".  LOL

We took the kids to Christmas at the Star.  It was such a fun show and Hallie loved watching all the cheerleaders and dancers!

We went to Six Flags one day...and I got one pick.  HA

The kids and I headed to my parents house a day early and enjoyed the beautiful weather at the park.  

Hallie and Adisyn put signs ALL OVER my parents house for their Gymnastics competition.  It was hilarious, and unfortunately, I got zero pics!

Hallie's First Kinder Field Trip

We headed to the Pumpkin Patch for Hallie's first field trip.  I am pretty sure riding the bus was one of the best parts for her!!

Hallie's Fall 2018 Soccer Season

Hallie played on her same team in the Fall.  We have always been the Orange Crush, but we moved leagues and that name was already Frozen Fury it was.  The weather was crazy, and I think we only got to play 6 or 7 out of 10 games.  Sadly, I think Hallie's soccer career might be coming to an end.

Total brag moment...but she is pretty good, and is now saying she doesn't want to play any more.  I am a little we shall see what happens.

This child does gymnastics EVERYWHERE we go!!

Pierson's Fall 2018 Flag Football Season

Pierson joined a new flag football team this year through FFL and really enjoyed it.  He played mostly defense, but hoping that he can play some more offense next season.  I assume defense will likely be his future as he is not quite 8 yet...wearing a 6.5 shoe and weighing in at 80 pounds.

Halloween 2018

Hallie was a unicorn and Pierson was a Ninja.  Hallie picked out this costume in August I think...I told her if we bought it she had to wear it.  I am pretty sure she saw other costumes she wanted but I kept telling her no.  HA.  The rain ended up stopping and the kids enjoyed a fun night of trick or treating in the neighborhood!