Friday, April 1, 2016

Bed Head

So, I coincidently took a picture of Hallie one morning after she woke up....

And, the next day News 8 Daybreak was having a March Madness Bedhead competition.  So...why not enter this picture? 

She was one of eight in the first round...

I have to say she got sooooo many votes thanks to all of our friends and family that I bothered for two weeks.  Rumor has it that the person she was up against in the finals was not happy she was going up against a child.  Oh was all in good fun...and she won an iPad mini.  Fun stuff! 

News 8 Daybreak invited us to come down to their studio in downtown Dallas to be on the show.  I was terrified, but did it!  They were all so nice, and it was so neat to be on the set. 

Before we went on set....

Pierson was excited to meet the police officer, Sgt. Nick, the morning traffic person.  He asked him "do you work in a police station building?"   "Does the taser make the bad guys weaker?" 

What a fun experience for the entire family, and I hope my children remember it.  They tell everyone "I was on tv today."  I was excited because I got to meet Ron and Alexa! 

Easter Sunday

I took pictures of my kids on Easter morning all cute before church and had no idea the camera didn't have a memory card in it (user error).  So sad. 

But...why have a good pic of them looking cute, when you daughter does this....

We got to church a little early and I turned around and this is what I see.  Yes...probably not appropriate, but I want her to be able to look back and see herself...ha

The Easter Bunny brought Legos, swim toys, movies Shopkins, and a few other things.  I had pictures of those....but see above :(

All of the family came over to our house for lunch.  We had Mexican food this year which was different, but it was so yummy!  After lunch we had an Egg hunt with all the cousins and a couple of the neighbors. 

These two boys will go to Kinder together this year.  Growing up fast!

Hallie went in for a hug from Corbin, but the outcome didn't go as well as planned....




School Easter Egg Huntas

We had such  fun Easter this year!  First up was the kids egg hunts at school.  I was on my own this go around and it is a challenge to go between both rooms! 

Hallie would not wear anything but her "pawtrol" Paw Patrol shirt.  I thought we were done with that show, but she has grown a new love for it. 

My big boy had a fun hunt as well.  He had a very full basket!


Fire Station visit!

Daddy worked OT one Saturday, so we took the opportunity to go see him!


 She wasn't real sure about the mannequin...



Catch up!

I need a serious "catch up" post.  I always think "oh I will put that on the blog", and there are just not enough hours in the day to get it all done! 

 My sweet boy!

Not the best quality pics, but these two sure do love each other!

A few pics that the school sent of Hallie.  They are so good about sending pics and videos throughout the day.  We love it. 


Pierson started his second season of Tball and he seems to be playing less in the dirt this year :) 

They always have an "opening ceremony" and this year they invited the Rangers mascot.  Hallie said he needed to be on the farm.  It was so cold that day so we tried to bundle up for the parade.  We have played a couple games this season and he seems to be having a great time. 


Looks to be a pretty serious conversation with Dot Dot. 


Hallie had the best seat for this game!

The kids got to have a fun outing to the aquarium at Grapevine Mills.