Sunday, October 7, 2012

What am I going to do???

WITH A GIRL!  We found out about a month ago that we are having a sweet baby girl...I mean tomboy.  My Facebook post the day we found out was the following:
 someone is going to have to teach me how to do the following things....
a. fix hair
b. buy something called a tutu
c. apply something called makeup
d. anything else girly that is not listed here
baby roberts is a girl. Lord help me!

I just knew I was going to have another boy...but I was WRONG.  We really are excited to bring a sweet baby girl into this world, but I am truly going to need help with hair, makeup, and girly things.  As my friend Robin reminded me, I used to force her to play Barbies and for some reason, included fake fruit in with it...ODD.  When the sonographer told us what we were having, I looked at her and said "are you sure"? We invited our mom's to go with us, but only Dot Dot was able to attend.  The Sonographer was pointing out the femur and before she could actually get to it, my sweet innocent mother said something like "is that what I think it is"? Dorothy that would not be a boy part, but a portion of the leg.  However, if that was a boy part, I would be in trouble.  But that is another story for another day. 

I think we have a couple names narrowed down.  I ask for Jeremy's opinion, and every time he says "I don't know why your asking know my opinion doesn't count".  That is semi, but I would prefer to know that he likes the name of this baby girl that is going to be wrapped around his finger. 

Of course little P has no concept of a baby sister coming into the world.  Every time I point to my stomach and say baby, he just tries to stick his finger in my belly button.  Here are a few pictures of the Sonogram. Truthfully, none of them really came out that great...but here they are!!

The three lines indicate it is a girl, as everyone already knows, but really...this is difficult to see.  I feel bad saying this, but sonogram pictures kind of creep me out a little.  I don't know why, but they do.      

So, now we need to get some bedding and girl clothes and we shall be set.  I have determined that if this child uses a blue blanket that she will be okay.  I also made a comment to my mother that we could always re-use P's sleepers, and she was not cool with that.  This baby girl won't know what shes sleeping in right?  Jeremy's aunt is excited to make tutu's and bows, and my friend Shana has said we are going to have a braiding party.  Um lets go ahead and face it, my child's hair will never be as perfect as her kiddos.  Literally...their hair is perfect everyday..ugh.  But, nonetheless, I will have a sweet baby girl, and I will learn to be girly..maybe!! 

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