Friday, December 21, 2012

18 Months

My sweet little (big) man turned 18 months on December 3.  Hard to believe.  We paid Dr. Schwartz a visit and his measurements were as follows:
Height:   35 1/4" (99%)
Weight:  31.6 pounds (96%)
Head:     99%
Dr. Schwartz let us know that our child is "freakishly tall"...awesome.  If I remember correctly, he is basically the size of a three year old.  Not sure where he is getting his height from??  Jeremy is beginning to wonder..haha.  Doc says that if he continues to grow at this speed he could be 6'3" or 6'4".  I will take that.  Jeremy would give anything for his son to be atleast six feet tall...since J falls just shy of that :).  He is still in a size 7 shoe, but I think we could probably move up atleast half a size. 

He has not slowed down one bit.  My mom made a comment to Jeremy and I that "Pierson has really calmed down".  Uh...really??  Not so much.  His vocabulary is really starting to grow.  I can't remember what I posted in the past, but he now says "outside" ALL THE TIME.  The boy loves to be outside.  He refers to baths as "bubbles".  He will lay down in the bath tub on his stomach and say night night. kiddo we don't go night night in the bath tub.  He loves to look at pictures (whether on the wall or in a book, etc).  However, a lot of time I will point at a picture and he will say "mama" when it really isn't.  Not sure why he does that..but it is cute for the time being.  He does not like it when we are in the kitchen and he can't see what is going on.  He stands underneath us until we pick him up.  When the microwave is going (unfortunately, that is pretty often), or when something is on the stove, etc, he will say "hot".  For awhile when he would talk he would have an "aagghh" on the end of every word.  That seems to be fading, but I was starting to think that someone was teaching my child French or Russian, or whatever language it is that has that on the end.  He also thoroughly enjoys the word "no".  So, mama and daddy are turning that around to "no ma'am" and 'no sir".

We thought it would be a good idea to teach P how to drive starting now!

cutest little booty in town

He is at a stage where he absolutely LOVES his daddy.  He can't get enough of him.  He will stand in his bed in the mornings and yell "daddeeeee" as loud as he can, multiple times until one of us comes and gets him out.  We have been playing a little game where I will yell out "mama" very loudly, and he will then say "daddeeeee" very loudly.  Kind of cute...he even throws a "mama" in there every once in awhile :).  Pierson loves to color on anything he can.  He has an obsession with highlighters...weird, but whatever.  He felt the need to color on the tile floor one day, but he also cleaned it up for me as well after I informed him that coloring on the floor is not okay.  We have a small mud room / hall in the house, and sometimes my lazy self will throw my shoes in the bins that I wore that day instead of walking the extra few feet to my closet.  It never fails...Pierson will drag our shoes all over the house and wear them.

He will make the sound of a lion, lamb and cow, points out the letters A and B, and is also getting very good at going to time-out.  Although I always feel so bad when he sits there.  It just breaks his heart, but he has to learn somehow right?  He actually does a pretty good job of doing what we ask him to do.  It shocks me...but who knows how long it will last.  Ha!  P says a lot of other words, but of course I can't think of them now.  I'm sure I will after I hit the "publish" button. 

With Christmas just around the corner, there are obviously Santas eveywhere.  In our household they are now referred to as "Sassa's".  He loves Sassa, but only on the tv, in pictures, etc.  We went to the fire department Christmas party earlier this month and Santa made an apperance, and the boy freaked out and was scared.  So, I made the decision to not torture my child and take him to get a pic with Santa this year. 

The time has come that J and I can no longer go to the bathroom alone.  Who said you had to be alone to pee or poop?  The child will literally try to sit on your lap while your doing what ya got to do, or he will try and pull you off.  Maybe too much information, but its the truth.  Maybe in another 14 years we will be able to go the bathroom alone. 

At church a couple weeks ago he received his first "ouch report".  It appears the little man fell on the playground and scraped up his elbow pretty good.  Jeremy made the wrong choice (he admits it) of putting one of those tough strip band aids on his elbow and two days later when we tried to remove it you would have thought the world was coming to an end.  He did not like it one bit, and as a matter of fact would have nothing to do with daddy for a little while.  He keeps pointing to his elbow now saying "elbowww, elbowww". 

Pierson continues to love milk.  You would think that he won the lottery whenever we say milk, or pull the ever so expensive half gallon of lactose free milk out of the fridge.  He starts jumping up and down and is soooo excited about it.  He says "mo milk" when done, and we usually give in and give him a little more.  However, when that "little bit" is gone he gets mad and throws his cup on the floor.  This boy can really throw some fits, but is usually over them just as fast as they start.  We kindly tell him that he has to pick his cup up and come tell us he is sorry...which means that we get a hug from him!!

Oh and before I forget...if I have not taught my child anything at least I have taught him where his hiney (booty) is and how to shake it!  Might be my proudest mother moment yet.  Oh and I almost forgot (again), Pierson's absolute favorite thing as this time is "airmays" a/k/a airplanes if you weren't sure.  He can spot one a mile away that I literally have to search for.  We have to tell all of them "night night" before he goes to bed, and we wave at EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF THEM!!!!  We sure do love our little boy and can't wait to see what the next 18 months are like with him.  Poor P has no idea that a baby is coming in less than 5 weeks.  Makes me kind of sad that his world is going to be turned upside down. 

1 comment:

  1. As big as a 3 year old is right!! And I tested that when he came over the other day. Weighs exactly the same as my 3.5 year old!!He is adorable and I am sure he will love his little sissy....might just take him a couple years:)
