Saturday, May 5, 2012

11 Months

I say this every month, but where has the time gone?  Warning (PICTURE OVERLOAD).  I can't believe our little man will be one very soon.  He is a very, very, very, very busy little boy.  P still loves to open and close doors and bang on things, but his new favorite place to be is the pantry.  He enjoys pulling boxes off of the shelves and breaking jars of baby food.  However, it was a jar of some soup that Jeremy bought.  Why in the world would you buy soup for a baby??...just saying.  He loves the fireplace..sigh, and tries to climb in there, and loves to climb up the stairs (of course with one of us behind him).  It does make it easier taking him up there though...instead of carrying him.  Pierson would much rather walk down the sidewalk / street than ride in his stroller.  However, he refuses to hold ones hand, so that makes for an interesting stroll.  Little man quickly grew out of his size 5 shoe and is onto a size 6.  He has been wearing a size 5 diaper for several weeks now.  

Pierson is SO lovable these days.  He will hug, and sometimes kiss.  When he gives anybody a hug, he will pat them on the sweet.  The little man will dance on command, and I must say its pretty cute.  He now knows how to get on and off little riding toys by himself, but sometimes gets his foot caught.  I was considering having an "operation get rid of toys day," but Jeremy's aunt graciously provided Pierson with lots of fun toys from her three kiddos.  

Jeremy and P made a visit to Dr. Schwartz this week.  P had an upper respiratory infection.  He has just been snotty and had a wet cough, as well as a lovely diaper rash to accompany the other symptoms.  Jeremy texted me while there, and the little dude weights 27.7 pounds.  I am anxious for his one year visit to check his other stats.  Wonder if he will be athletic and make his momma and daddy lots of money?
Tex I received while they were at the doc...funny. 

He has four or five teeth on the top now, and still only two on the bottom.  He continues to be a good eater, but I am just trying to find new things to feed him. I don't think he loves pasta because he can't really chew it up that good yet.  He is drinking all Vitamin D milk now.  Momma used her last bag of frozen breast milk this past week.  I did take a picture :)

Here are a few mores pics from his 11th Month

I really am having fun

Loves to swing!!

Checking out Tank and Freedom in the backyard

Pierson LOVES his daddy

I had to make a dreaded trip to Michigan for work from a Sunday afternoon through Wednesday evening.   One would have thought I was gone for months.  I was an emotional wreck when they dropped me off at the airport, and I made Jeremy Skype with me every second we could.  Jeremy did fabulous with him for those days by himself, but I really had no doubts.  I actually think he probably did better than what I could have done.

The below is just an assortment of photos from my cell phone. 

Jeremy's grandpa turned 79 (I think).  He always likes to celebrate at Trail Dust, so the entire fam got together.  When Pierson walked in, he immediately either grabbed on to me or his daddy.  We think it was the loud music, because he typically will go to anybody at anytime.  He slowly warmed up the loud music and approached the stage several times to try and climb up.  He made a few trips down the slide with Jeremy as well.

Yes...I am wearing the same outfit as I wore from my last post :)
JoDee, Julie, Grandpa, & Roger

My sweet mother-in-law holding P's new cousin Liliana

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